"How can we guide our children to become emotionally mature adults? It all starts with ourselves. It is crucial that we as parents create awareness about who we really are. How have our upbringing and past experiences shaped our psyche and perception of reality? Where do our triggers and coping mechanisms stem from? When we understand who we really are, we can bring our behavior from the subconscious to our conscious mind. That brings the freedom to change our behavior and become the best version of ourselves as parents.”
This journal will help you increase your emotional awareness around your own upbringing and the way you raise your children. In chapter one, you'll reviisit your own childhood through the lens of your adult self, create compassion for your younger self, and let go of limiting beliefs. Chapter two takes you to explore your family history, generational trauma and resilience, giving you the opportunity to understand the behavior of your (grand)parents and let go of any feelings of blame you may hold towards them. In the third chapter you explore how your parenting style influences the way your children see the world. By creating emotional awareness, you can evolve from unconsciously reacting to consciously acting to your children. In that difference lies the power to become the best parent you can be.